Special Education

Our Pole Green Gator AlexanderPole Green Elementary School offers a variety of special education programs that provide educational services for children with special needs. We provide special education services in a collaborative or resource setting as specified in each child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Any child, 2–21 years of age, living in the Pole Green Elementary School district, who is suspected of having a learning problem, can be referred to the special education administrator. Parent(s), school staff, or other individuals can make these referrals. Upon receipt of the referral, the special education administrator will convene a meeting to discuss the referral. Participants in this meeting will be individuals who are familiar with the child as well as school staff. Recommendations may be made at this time to help the child become more successful in the classroom.

If additional information is needed, the team may decide upon additional testing, which must be completed within 65 calendar days. At the end of this period of time, the team will convene again to go over the test results. The team will make recommendations after reviewing the test results.

If a child is found eligible for special education services, the team will develop an Individualized Education Plan, or IEP, within 30 calendar days. IEP services will be given in the child’s least restrictive environment. Recommendations to make changes to a child’s IEP can be made at any time; however, the IEP must be reviewed annually. For more information regarding our special education services, please view our division site.

Please direct all questions regarding special education services at Pole Green Elementary to Mashay Samuel, assistant principal.


We offer speech services based on the educational impact a speech/language problem may present. The focus of our school-based speech and language pathologists is to facilitate the development of effective and efficient communication skills so students can participate as fully as possible in educational, social, and vocational interactions. For additional information about our speech program, please contact Debbie Atherholt or Kerry Martinez, speech and language pathologists.

Parent Resource Center

Hanover County Public Schools' Department of Special Education has established the Parent Resource Center (PRC) as a source of information, support, and training for parents, students, teachers, staff, and community members.

The PRC is committed to promoting working relationships between parents, educators, and the community. Our goal is to help parents gain knowledge and become comfortable with the special education process. We believe this will allow parents to partner with schools and become more involved in the planning and decision-making process for their child's education. For more information, please view our division PRC page.

Special Education Contacts

Special Education Services Questions

Mashay Samuel, Assistant Principal
Robin Patterson, Special Education Teacher
Robin Smith, Special Education Teacher
Melissa Haskins, Special Education Teacher
Mary Holland, Special Education Teacher
Kelsey Catapano, Special Education Teacher
Kristy Bryant, Special Education Teacher
Jada Fountaine, Special Education Teacher

Debbie Atherholt, Speech & Language Pathologist
Kerry Martinez, Speech & Language Pathologist
April Kelly, ESOL
Katherine Davis, Occupational Therapist

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