
Art teacher Ms. Sarah Cross

HCPS Visual Arts Mission:

The mission of the Hanover County Schools Visual Arts Program is to engage students in thinking creatively and solving problems in order to communicate visually in the 21st century. The universal language of art allows students to make connections and comprehend themes of expression around the world, past and present.

What We Do

Pole Green Gators visit the art room weekly for 45-minute sessions. During that time, students explore art making, art history, aesthetics, and art criticism. As students gain experience with a variety of media and processes, they learn to exercise new found skills in creative problem solving.

Students in art classAt Pole Green Elementary, we actively seek opportunities to exhibit the fine artwork our Gators produce. Throughout the year, you will find selected artwork hanging in the school hallways and at special events or locations such as the Arts & Science Festival, during Youth Art Month, and in neighboring businesses.

I believe art is an integral part of lifelong learning. Please feel free to stop by and see your Gator artists at work!

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