What We Do

Direct Services

Classroom Instruction

Hanover School Counselors Logo - Manage, Assess, Deliver, Define. Hanover School Counselors "What's best for students"

A curriculum is taught through direct instruction to whole classes and small groups. The curriculum is comprehensive in scope, preventive in nature, and developmental in design based on the needs of students.

Individual Student Planning

Individual student planning consists of activities to help all students plan, monitor, and manage their own learning in addition to the academic, social-emotional, and career readiness skills taught in classroom instruction.

Responsive Services

Responsive services include activities designed to meet students' immediate needs and concerns. Examples of responsive services are individual counseling and crisis response.

Indirect Services


Referrals involve directing students and parents to school or community resources for additional assistance or information.


Consultation is sharing strategies with parents, teachers, other educators, and community organizations to support student achievement.


Collaboration pertains to working with other educators, parents, and the community to support student achievement and fulfill the goals of the school counseling program. Collaboration includes teaming/partnering, school committees, and parent workshops.

Contact Your School Counselor

Mrs. Hobbs is the full-time school counselor at PGES. She received a bachelor's degree in psychology and sociology from Longwood University and a master's degree in school counseling from VCU. Mrs. Hobbs can be reached via email or phone at (804) 365-4705.

Mrs. Pittman is the part-time school counselor at PGES. She will be here on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. She received a bachelor's degree in sociology and political science from VA Tech and a master's degree in school counseling from VCU. Mrs. Pittman can be reached via email or phone at (804) 365-4707.

Sydney Hobbs Sharon Pittman
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